Moon Station SS Cdn Special
December 20, 2022
​*DNA on file*
Dam - CH Moon Station Ophelia EEEE93
DD - CH Little Tots Estate Saturn VEEE92
DS - Agape's Prize Reverend C Quinn *B
​Sire - Castle Rock Sunthin Special
SD - CH Castle Rock Tahitian Sunset VEEE90 (2019 ADGA National Champion)
SS - Castle Rock Thunderhead

Just when we thought we were done importing bucks, a pairing at Moon Station we had our eye on had an opportunity available and we jumped on it!
Moldy's dam, CH Moon Station Ophelia EEEE93, is a stunning 3 year old second freshener with possibly the nicest teat placement we have seen to date. She's a very deep bodied doe with exceptional rear udder height and beautiful attachments.
His maternal granddam is none other than CH Little Tots Estate Saturn VEEE92. Saturn is well known in the show world and still continues to dominate whenever she steps foot in the ring. Not only does she have a gorgeous mammary, but her capacity is exceptionally impressive!
**(Saturn sadly passed away in the fall of 2024, but leaves behind a legacy)**
Moldy's sire Castle Rock Sunthin Special was purchased by The Tucker Farm as the 2021 Spotlight buck and is out of the 2019 National Champion and National Best Udder CH Castle Rock Tahitian Sunset VEEE90. She was also part of the first place Breeder's Trio, first place Dairy Herd and first place Get of Sire entry.
The genetics behind this boy are more than exciting to us and we can't thank Beth at Moon Station Nigerian Dwarf Goats enough for agreeing to send him our way!
Progeny in Herd
Key Hill MS Allure
Key Hill MS Charisma
Key Hill MS Deviant Diva