Registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Registered Highland Cattle

Nigerian Dwarf Goats were the first animals to join Key Hill Farm and we instantly fell in love. Our goal has been to add top quality goats to our herd, bringing them in from across Canada and now with the addition of our bucks, from the US as well. Our imported bucks come from some of the top genetics in the US, most being out of champion dams or parents with superior genetics and all out of excellent proven milking lines
Our herd focus is on conformation, dairy strength and correct mammary structure. We will always strive to better the breed and produce show quality goats that milk with ease. We participate in one day milk testing and the 305 day CGS milk test yearly. We have starting classifying our herd as of 2023 and will continue to do so yearly if it is available to us. All results from milk testing and classification scores can be found under each goat's info page
Our whole herd over 12 months of age is tested twice yearly for Johne's and annually for CAE and CL with negative results at each test date. All lab results can be found under HEALTH TESTING
All of our kids are all pulled at birth and bottle raised. They are started on heat treated colostrum and move on to pasteurized goat's milk from our herd of does

Noteworthy Farm News
After the additions of Mossy Rock JP Rogue *M EX90 Select Doe, Mossy Rock NK Vienna 3*M VG87 and Curl Creek Marvelous 3*M EX91 Select Doe (who is here on lease), we have made the decision to close our barn doors to any outside does and will now be exclusively working with the lines we have here currently. This means that as of July of 2024 our herd is officially closed

Kidding season kicks off in April!